Madeorsk d2d4c9cab4
Add popovers and tooltips.
+ Add popovers to show cards around an element: always, on hover, on focus, on click, with customized behavior.
+ Add tooltips as specific hover popovers.
2024-06-09 13:16:01 +02:00

224 lines
5.9 KiB

import React from "react";
import "../index";
import {Checkbox} from "../src/Components/Forms/Checkbox";
import { Radio } from "../src/Components/Forms/Radio";
import {FloppyDisk, TrashSimple, XCircle} from "@phosphor-icons/react";
import {Card} from "../src/Components/Card";
import {PasswordInput} from "../src/Components/Forms/PasswordInput";
import {RequiredField} from "../src/Components/Forms/RequiredField";
import {Popover} from "../src/Components/Popovers/Popover";
import {Tooltip} from "../src/Components/Popovers/Tooltip";
export function DemoApp()
return (
<main className={"app"}>
<li>Popover / Tooltips</li>
<li>Datepicker / Timepicker</li>
<li>Tabs / Apps selectors</li>
<li>App steps</li>
<li>Global states</li>
<h1>Demo app</h1>
<h2>Second title</h2>
<h3>Third title</h3>
<h4>Fourth title</h4>
<h5>Fifth title</h5>
<h6>Sixth title</h6>
<button type={"button"}>A cool button</button>
<a className={"button"} href={"#"}>A link button</a>
<button type={"button"} className={"flat"}>A flat button</button>
<button type={"button"} className={"validation"}><FloppyDisk weight={"bold"} /> A validation button</button>
<button type={"button"} className={"cancel"}><XCircle weight={"bold"} /> A cancellation button</button>
<button type={"button"} className={"delete"}><TrashSimple weight={"bold"} /> A deletion button</button>
Text label <RequiredField />
<input type={"text"} placeholder={"Normal demo text"} required={true} />
Textarea label <RequiredField />
<textarea placeholder={"A normal textarea."} required={true}></textarea>
Test password
<Checkbox>Checkbox demo</Checkbox>
<Radio name={"radio-test"}>Radio box test</Radio>
<Radio name={"radio-test"}>Radio box test</Radio>
<a href={"#"}>Link test</a>
<strong>Lorem ipsum</strong> dolor <code>sit amet</code>, <em>consectetur</em> adipiscing elit <a href={""} target={"_blank"}>aleph</a>. Donec accumsan
pulvinar felis, vitae eleifend augue lacinia tempus. Integer nec iaculis ante. Duis a quam urna. Nullam
tincidunt rutrum felis, a efficitur enim facilisis sit amet. Quisque dictum semper sagittis. Maecenas in orci
hendrerit, tempor nunc non, tempus mi. Praesent blandit varius rutrum. Nullam quis mauris eros. Vestibulum
commodo libero sed pellentesque pharetra. Donec eget fringilla ante. Aliquam id leo massa. Duis dictum nunc ut
dolor iaculis malesuada. Nulla elementum justo a sem eleifend finibus. Phasellus bibendum elit nibh, at tempor
odio efficitur id.
<div className={"steps"}>
<h3 className={"step"}>Step one</h3>
<h3 className={"step"}>Step two</h3>
<h3 className={"step"}>Step three</h3>
<th>Column 1</th>
<th>Column 2</th>
<th colSpan={2}>Column 3</th>
<h3>Card title</h3>
Donec lobortis quam sapien, et efficitur dolor laoreet ut. Ut pretium, lacus at bibendum rutrum, nibh nibh
scelerisque nisi, nec semper dolor turpis sed tortor. Nulla massa sapien, accumsan id vestibulum et, elementum
eget metus. Morbi quis bibendum purus. Nunc at fermentum tortor. Quisque viverra diam in sem auctor blandit.
Vestibulum dignissim bibendum nunc, non tristique quam sollicitudin eu. Ut feugiat lectus tellus, tempus
viverra sapien aliquet vel. Morbi ac est mauris. Praesent facilisis ut tellus at cursus. Aenean placerat nulla
non mi vulputate hendrerit. Praesent fermentum dui eu gravida pharetra. Quisque rhoncus, magna non congue
egestas, leo lorem malesuada felis, eu imperdiet orci magna ultrices est.
<button type={"button"}>Button position ?</button>
<button type={"button"}>Button position ?</button>
<p>Another small card</p>
<Popover mode={"hover"} content={"Do you see me?"}>
<button type={"button"}>Hover me!</button>
<Popover mode={"focus"} content={<>I am <strong>focused</strong></>}>
<button>Focus me!</button>
<Popover mode={"click"} content={(
You can add complex (clickable) content in me.
<button type={"button"}>OK</button>
<button>Click me!</button>
<Popover content={"I am always shown."} popperOptions={{ placement: "top" }}>
<button>Why always me?</button>
<Popover mode={"managed"} content={(show, hide) => (<button onClick={hide}>I can hide the popover!</button>)}>
{(show, hide) => (
<button type={"button"} onClick={show}>Customized behavior</button>
This is a very simple <Tooltip content={"I am a beautiful simple tooltip."}><a>tooltip</a></Tooltip>.