const std = @import("std"); const pg = @import("pg"); const zollections = @import("zollections"); const errors = @import("errors.zig"); const database = @import("database.zig"); const postgresql = @import("postgresql.zig"); const _sql = @import("sql.zig"); const conditions = @import("conditions.zig"); const repository = @import("repository.zig"); /// Repository query configuration structure. pub const RepositoryQueryConfiguration = struct { select: ?_sql.SqlParams = null, join: ?_sql.SqlParams = null, where: ?_sql.SqlParams = null, }; /// Repository models query manager. /// Manage query string build and its execution. pub fn RepositoryQuery(comptime Model: type, comptime TableShape: type, comptime repositoryConfig: repository.RepositoryConfiguration(Model, TableShape)) type { // Pre-compute SQL buffer size. const selectClause = "SELECT"; const fromClause = "FROM"; const whereClause = "WHERE"; // SELECT ? FROM {repositoryConfig.table}??; const fixedSqlSize = selectClause.len + 1 + 0 + 1 + fromClause.len + 1 + repositoryConfig.table.len + 0 + 0 + 1; const defaultSelectSql = "*"; return struct { const Self = @This(); arena: std.heap.ArenaAllocator, connector: database.Connector, connection: *database.Connection = undefined, queryConfig: RepositoryQueryConfiguration, sql: ?[]const u8 = null, /// Set selected columns. pub fn select(self: *Self, _select: _sql.SqlParams) void { = _select; } /// Set selected columns for SELECT clause. pub fn selectColumns(self: *Self, _select: []const []const u8) !void { if (_select.len == 0) { return errors.AtLeastOneSelectionRequired; }{ // Join selected columns. .sql = std.mem.join(self.arena.allocator(), ", ", _select), .params = &[_]_sql.QueryParameter{}, // No parameters. }); } /// Set JOIN clause. pub fn join(self: *Self, _join: _sql.SqlParams) void { self.queryConfig.join = _join; } /// Set WHERE conditions. pub fn where(self: *Self, _where: _sql.SqlParams) void { self.queryConfig.where = _where; } /// Create a new condition builder. pub fn newCondition(self: *Self) conditions.Builder { return conditions.Builder.init(self.arena.allocator()); } /// Set a WHERE value condition. pub fn whereValue(self: *Self, comptime ValueType: type, comptime _column: []const u8, comptime operator: []const u8, _value: ValueType) !void { self.where( try conditions.value(ValueType, self.arena.allocator(), _column, operator, _value) ); } /// Set a WHERE column condition. pub fn whereColumn(self: *Self, comptime _column: []const u8, comptime operator: []const u8, comptime _valueColumn: []const u8) !void { self.where( try conditions.column(self.arena.allocator(), _column, operator, _valueColumn) ); } /// Set a WHERE IN condition. pub fn whereIn(self: *Self, comptime ValueType: type, comptime _column: []const u8, _value: []const ValueType) !void { self.where( try, self.arena.allocator(), _column, _value) ); } /// Build SQL query. pub fn buildSql(self: *Self) !void { // Start parameter counter at 1. var currentParameter: usize = 1; // Compute SELECT size. var selectSize: usize = defaultSelectSql.len; if ( |_select| { selectSize = _select.sql.len + _sql.computeRequiredSpaceForParametersNumbers(_select.params.len, currentParameter - 1); currentParameter += _select.params.len; } // Compute JOIN size. var joinSize: usize = 0; if (self.queryConfig.join) |_join| { joinSize = 1 + _join.sql.len + _sql.computeRequiredSpaceForParametersNumbers(_join.params.len, currentParameter - 1); currentParameter += _join.params.len; } // Compute WHERE size. var whereSize: usize = 0; if (self.queryConfig.where) |_where| { whereSize = 1 + whereClause.len + _where.sql.len + 1 + _sql.computeRequiredSpaceForParametersNumbers(_where.params.len, currentParameter - 1); currentParameter += _where.params.len; } // Allocate SQL buffer from computed size. const sqlBuf = try self.arena.allocator().alloc(u8, fixedSqlSize + (selectSize) + (joinSize) + (whereSize) ); // Fill SQL buffer. // Restart parameter counter at 1. currentParameter = 1; // SELECT clause. @memcpy(sqlBuf[0..selectClause.len+1], selectClause ++ " "); var sqlBufCursor: usize = selectClause.len+1; // Copy SELECT clause content and replace parameters, if there are some. try _sql.copyAndReplaceSqlParameters(¤tParameter, if ( |_select| _select.params.len else 0, sqlBuf[sqlBufCursor..sqlBufCursor+selectSize], if ( |_select| _select.sql else defaultSelectSql, ); sqlBufCursor += selectSize; // FROM clause. sqlBuf[sqlBufCursor] = ' '; sqlBufCursor += 1; std.mem.copyForwards(u8, sqlBuf[sqlBufCursor..sqlBufCursor+fromClause.len], fromClause); sqlBufCursor += fromClause.len; sqlBuf[sqlBufCursor] = ' '; sqlBufCursor += 1; // Table name. std.mem.copyForwards(u8, sqlBuf[sqlBufCursor..sqlBufCursor+repositoryConfig.table.len], repositoryConfig.table); sqlBufCursor += repositoryConfig.table.len; // JOIN clause. if (self.queryConfig.join) |_join| { sqlBuf[sqlBufCursor] = ' '; // Copy JOIN clause and replace parameters, if there are some. try _sql.copyAndReplaceSqlParameters(¤tParameter, _join.params.len, sqlBuf[sqlBufCursor+1..sqlBufCursor+joinSize], _join.sql ); sqlBufCursor += joinSize; } // WHERE clause. if (self.queryConfig.where) |_where| { @memcpy(sqlBuf[sqlBufCursor..sqlBufCursor+(1 + whereClause.len + 1)], " " ++ whereClause ++ " "); // Copy WHERE clause content and replace parameters, if there are some. try _sql.copyAndReplaceSqlParameters(¤tParameter, _where.params.len, sqlBuf[sqlBufCursor+(1+whereClause.len+1)..sqlBufCursor+whereSize], _where.sql ); sqlBufCursor += whereSize; } // ";" to end the query. sqlBuf[sqlBufCursor] = ';'; sqlBufCursor += 1; // Save built SQL query. self.sql = sqlBuf; } /// Execute the built query. fn execQuery(self: *Self) !*pg.Result { // Get the connection to the database. self.connection = try self.connector.getConnection(); errdefer self.connection.release(); // Initialize a new PostgreSQL statement. var statement = try pg.Stmt.init(self.connection.connection, .{ .column_names = true, .allocator = self.arena.allocator(), }); errdefer statement.deinit(); // Prepare SQL query. statement.prepare(self.sql.?) catch |err| return postgresql.handlePostgresqlError(err, self.connection, &statement); // Bind query parameters. if ( |_select| try postgresql.bindQueryParameters(&statement, _select.params); if (self.queryConfig.join) |_join| try postgresql.bindQueryParameters(&statement, _join.params); if (self.queryConfig.where) |_where| try postgresql.bindQueryParameters(&statement, _where.params); // Execute the query and get its result. const result = statement.execute() catch |err| return postgresql.handlePostgresqlError(err, self.connection, &statement); // Query executed successfully, return the result. return result; } /// Retrieve queried models. pub fn get(self: *Self, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !repository.RepositoryResult(Model) { // Build SQL query if it wasn't built. if (self.sql) |_| {} else { try self.buildSql(); } // Execute query and get its result. var queryResult = try self.execQuery(); defer self.connection.release(); defer queryResult.deinit(); // Map query results. return postgresql.mapResults(Model, TableShape, repositoryConfig, allocator, queryResult); } /// Initialize a new repository query. pub fn init(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, connector: database.Connector, queryConfig: RepositoryQueryConfiguration) Self { return .{ // Initialize the query arena allocator. .arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator), .connector = connector, .queryConfig = queryConfig, }; } /// Deinitialize the repository query. pub fn deinit(self: *Self) void { // Free everything allocated for this query. self.arena.deinit(); } }; }