const std = @import("std"); /// Simple ModelFromSql and ModelToSql functions for models which have the same table definition. pub fn TableModel(comptime Model: type, comptime TableShape: type) type { // Get fields of the model, which must be the same as the table shape. const fields = std.meta.fields(Model); return struct { /// Simply copy all fields from model to table. pub fn copyModelToTable(_model: Model) !TableShape { var _table: TableShape = undefined; inline for (fields) |modelField| { // Copy each field of the model to the table. @field(_table, = @field(_model,; } return _table; } /// Simply copy all fields from table to model. pub fn copyTableToModel(_table: TableShape) !Model { var _model: Model = undefined; inline for (fields) |tableField| { // Copy each field of the table to the model. @field(_model, = @field(_table,; } return _model; } }; }