Allow arrays as model key in repository find function.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 144 additions and 19 deletions
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ const std = @import("std");
const pg = @import("pg");
const zollections = @import("zollections");
const _sql = @import("sql.zig");
const _conditions = @import("conditions.zig");
const query = @import("query.zig");
const insert = @import("insert.zig");
const update = @import("update.zig");
@ -34,6 +35,41 @@ pub fn RepositoryConfiguration(comptime Model: type, comptime TableShape: type)
/// Build the type of a model key, based on the given configuration.
pub fn ModelKeyType(comptime Model: type, comptime TableShape: type, comptime config: RepositoryConfiguration(Model, TableShape)) type {
if (config.key.len == 0) {
// Get the type of the simple key.
return std.meta.fields(TableShape)[std.meta.fieldIndex(TableShape, config.key[0]).?].type;
} else {
// Build the type of the composite key.
// Build key fields.
var fields: [config.key.len]std.builtin.Type.StructField = undefined;
inline for (config.key, &fields) |keyName, *field| {
// Build NULL-terminated key name as field name.
var fieldName: [keyName.len:0]u8 = undefined;
@memcpy(fieldName[0..keyName.len], keyName);
field.* = .{
.name = &fieldName,
.type = std.meta.fields(TableShape)[std.meta.fieldIndex(TableShape, keyName).?].type,
.default_value = null,
.is_comptime = false,
.alignment = 0,
return @Type(.{
.Struct = std.builtin.Type.Struct{
.layout =,
.fields = &fields,
.decls = &[_]std.builtin.Type.Declaration{},
.is_tuple = false,
/// Repository of structures of a certain type.
pub fn Repository(comptime Model: type, comptime TableShape: type, comptime config: RepositoryConfiguration(Model, TableShape)) type {
return struct {
@ -42,6 +78,9 @@ pub fn Repository(comptime Model: type, comptime TableShape: type, comptime conf
pub const Query: type = query.RepositoryQuery(Model, TableShape, config);
pub const Insert: type = insert.RepositoryInsert(Model, TableShape, config, config.insertShape);
/// Type of one model key.
pub const KeyType = ModelKeyType(Model, TableShape, config);
pub fn InsertCustom(comptime InsertShape: type) type {
return insert.RepositoryInsert(Model, TableShape, config, InsertShape);
@ -51,34 +90,70 @@ pub fn Repository(comptime Model: type, comptime TableShape: type, comptime conf
/// Try to find the requested model.
/// For simple keys: modelKey type must match the type of its corresponding field.
/// modelKey can be an array / slice of keys.
/// For composite keys: modelKey must be a struct with all the keys, matching the type of their corresponding field.
/// modelKey can be an array / slice of these structs.
pub fn find(allocator: std.mem.Allocator, database: *pg.Pool, modelKey: anytype) !RepositoryResult(Model) {
// Initialize a new query.
var modelQuery = Self.Query.init(allocator, database, .{});
defer modelQuery.deinit();
if (config.key.len == 1) {
// Add a simple condition.
try modelQuery.whereValue(std.meta.fields(TableShape)[std.meta.fieldIndex(TableShape, config.key[0]).?].type, config.key[0], "=", modelKey);
} else {
// Add conditions for all keys in the composite key.
var conditions: [config.key.len]_sql.SqlParams = undefined;
// Find key name and its type.
const keyName = config.key[0];
const keyType = std.meta.fields(TableShape)[std.meta.fieldIndex(TableShape, keyName).?].type;
inline for (config.key, &conditions) |keyName, *condition| {
if (std.meta.fieldIndex(@TypeOf(modelKey), keyName)) |_| {
// The field exists in the key structure, create its condition.
condition.* = try modelQuery.newCondition().value(
std.meta.fields(TableShape)[std.meta.fieldIndex(TableShape, keyName).?].type,
keyName, "=",
@field(modelKey, keyName),
} else {
// The field doesn't exist, compilation error.
@compileError("The key structure must include a field for " ++ keyName);
// Accept arrays / slices of keys, and simple keys.
switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(modelKey))) {
.Pointer => |ptr| {
switch (ptr.size) {
.One => {
switch (@typeInfo(ptr.child)) {
// Add a whereIn with the array.
.Array => try modelQuery.whereIn(keyType, keyName, modelKey),
// Add a simple condition with the pointed value.
else => try modelQuery.whereValue(keyType, keyName, "=", modelKey.*),
// Add a whereIn with the slice.
else => try modelQuery.whereIn(keyType, keyName, modelKey),
// Add a simple condition with the given value.
else => try modelQuery.whereValue(keyType, keyName, "=", modelKey),
} else {
// Accept arrays / slices of keys, and simple keys.
// Uniformize modelKey parameter to a slice.
const modelKeysList: []const Self.KeyType = switch (@typeInfo(@TypeOf(modelKey))) {
.Pointer => |ptr| switch (ptr.size) {
.One => switch (@typeInfo(ptr.child)) {
// Already an array.
.Array => @as([]const Self.KeyType, modelKey),
// Convert the pointer to an array.
else => &[1]Self.KeyType{@as(Self.KeyType, modelKey.*)},
// Already a slice.
else => @as([]const Self.KeyType, modelKey),
// Convert the value to an array.
else => &[1]Self.KeyType{@as(Self.KeyType, modelKey)},
// Initialize keys conditions list.
const conditions: []_sql.SqlParams = try allocator.alloc(_sql.SqlParams, modelKeysList.len);
// For each model key, add its conditions.
for (modelKeysList, conditions) |_modelKey, *condition| {
condition.* = try modelQuery.newCondition().@"and"(
&try buildCompositeKeysConditions(TableShape, config.key, modelQuery.newCondition(), _modelKey)
// Set WHERE conditions in the query.
modelQuery.where(try modelQuery.newCondition().@"and"(&conditions));
// Set WHERE conditions in the query with all keys conditions.
modelQuery.where(try modelQuery.newCondition().@"or"(conditions));
// Execute query and return its result.
@ -179,3 +254,24 @@ pub fn RepositoryResult(comptime Model: type) type {
/// Build conditions for given composite keys, with a model key structure.
pub fn buildCompositeKeysConditions(comptime TableShape: type, comptime keys: []const []const u8, conditionsBuilder: _conditions.Builder, modelKey: anytype) ![keys.len]_sql.SqlParams {
// Conditions list for all keys in the composite key.
var conditions: [keys.len]_sql.SqlParams = undefined;
inline for (keys, &conditions) |keyName, *condition| {
const keyType = std.meta.fields(TableShape)[std.meta.fieldIndex(TableShape, keyName).?].type;
if (std.meta.fieldIndex(@TypeOf(modelKey), keyName)) |_| {
// The field exists in the key structure, create its condition.
condition.* = try conditionsBuilder.value(keyType, keyName, "=", @field(modelKey, keyName));
} else {
// The field doesn't exist, compilation error.
@compileError("The key structure must include a field for " ++ keyName);
// Return conditions for the current model key.
return conditions;
@ -136,4 +136,24 @@ test "composite model create, save and find" {
try std.testing.expectEqual(1, result4.models.len);
try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(newModel, result4.first().?.*);
// Try to find multiple models at once.
var result5 = try CompositeModelRepository.find(std.testing.allocator, database, &[_]CompositeModelRepository.KeyType{
.firstcol = newModel.firstcol,
.secondcol = newModel.secondcol,
.firstcol = result3.first().?.firstcol,
.secondcol = result3.first().?.secondcol,
defer result5.deinit();
try std.testing.expectEqual(2, result5.models.len);
try std.testing.expectEqual(newModel.firstcol, result5.models[0].firstcol);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(newModel.secondcol, result5.models[0].secondcol);
try std.testing.expectEqual(result3.first().?.firstcol, result5.models[1].firstcol);
try std.testing.expectEqualStrings(result3.first().?.secondcol, result5.models[1].secondcol);
@ -310,4 +310,13 @@ test "model create, save and find" {
defer result4.deinit(); // Will clear some values in newModel.
try std.testing.expectEqualDeep(newModel, result4.first().?.*);
// Try to find multiple models at once.
var result5 = try MyModelRepository.find(std.testing.allocator, database, &[_]i32{1,});
defer result5.deinit();
try std.testing.expectEqual(2, result5.models.len);
try std.testing.expectEqual(1, result5.models[0].id);
try std.testing.expectEqual(, result5.models[1].id);
Add table
Reference in a new issue