Handle inline relations in result parsing.
+ Parse inline relations when parsing a query result. + Implement a custom pg.Mapper to pass the row manually.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 305 additions and 42 deletions
@ -59,8 +59,89 @@ pub fn handleRawPostgresqlError(err: anyerror, connection: *pg.Conn) anyerror {
fn isSlice(comptime T: type) ?type {
switch(@typeInfo(T)) {
.Pointer => |ptr| {
if (ptr.size != .Slice) {
@compileError("cannot get value of type " ++ @typeName(T));
return if (ptr.child == u8) null else ptr.child;
.Optional => |opt| return isSlice(opt.child),
else => return null,
fn mapValue(comptime T: type, value: T, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !T {
switch (@typeInfo(T)) {
.Optional => |opt| {
if (value) |v| {
return try mapValue(opt.child, v, allocator);
return null;
else => {},
if (T == []u8 or T == []const u8) {
return try allocator.dupe(u8, value);
if (std.meta.hasFn(T, "pgzMoveOwner")) {
return value.pgzMoveOwner(allocator);
return value;
fn rowMapColumn(self: *const pg.Row, field: *const std.builtin.Type.StructField, optional_column_index: ?usize, allocator: ?std.mem.Allocator) !field.type {
const T = field.type;
const column_index = optional_column_index orelse {
if (field.default_value) |dflt| {
return @as(*align(1) const field.type, @ptrCast(dflt)).*;
return error.FieldColumnMismatch;
if (comptime isSlice(T)) |S| {
const slice = blk: {
if (@typeInfo(T) == .Optional) {
break :blk self.get(?pg.Iterator(S), column_index) orelse return null;
} else {
break :blk self.get(pg.Iterator(S), column_index);
return try slice.alloc(allocator orelse return error.AllocatorRequiredForSliceMapping);
const value = self.get(field.type, column_index);
const a = allocator orelse return value;
return mapValue(T, value, a);
pub fn PgMapper(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
result: *pg.Result,
allocator: ?std.mem.Allocator,
column_indexes: [std.meta.fields(T).len]?usize,
const Self = @This();
pub fn next(self: *const Self, row: *pg.Row) !?T {
var value: T = undefined;
const allocator = self.allocator;
inline for (std.meta.fields(T), self.column_indexes) |field, optional_column_index| {
//TODO I must reimplement row.mapColumn because it's not public :-(
@field(value, field.name) = try rowMapColumn(row, &field, optional_column_index, allocator);
return value;
/// Make a PostgreSQL result mapper with the given prefix, if there is one.
pub fn makeMapper(comptime T: type, result: *pg.Result, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, optionalPrefix: ?[]const u8) !pg.Mapper(T) {
pub fn makeMapper(comptime T: type, result: *pg.Result, allocator: std.mem.Allocator, optionalPrefix: ?[]const u8) !PgMapper(T) {
var column_indexes: [std.meta.fields(T).len]?usize = undefined;
inline for (std.meta.fields(T), 0..) |field, i| {
@ -80,21 +161,91 @@ pub fn makeMapper(comptime T: type, result: *pg.Result, allocator: std.mem.Alloc
/// PostgreSQL implementation of the query result reader.
pub fn QueryResultReader(comptime TableShape: type, comptime inlineRelations: ?[]const _relations.ModelRelation) type {
const InstanceInterface = _result.QueryResultReader(TableShape, inlineRelations).Instance;
// Build relations mappers container type.
const RelationsMappersType = comptime typeBuilder: {
if (inlineRelations) |_inlineRelations| {
// Make a field for each relation.
var fields: [_inlineRelations.len]std.builtin.Type.StructField = undefined;
for (_inlineRelations, &fields) |relation, *field| {
// Get relation field type (TableShape of the related value).
var relationImpl = relation.relation{};
const relationInstanceType = @TypeOf(relationImpl.relation());
const relationFieldType = PgMapper(relationInstanceType.TableShape);
field.* = .{
.name = relation.field ++ [0:0]u8{},
.type = relationFieldType,
.default_value = null,
.is_comptime = false,
.alignment = @alignOf(relationFieldType),
// Build type with one field for each relation.
break :typeBuilder @Type(std.builtin.Type{
.Struct = .{
.layout = std.builtin.Type.ContainerLayout.auto,
.fields = &fields,
.decls = &[0]std.builtin.Type.Declaration{},
.is_tuple = false,
// Build default empty type.
break :typeBuilder @Type(std.builtin.Type{
.Struct = .{
.layout = std.builtin.Type.ContainerLayout.auto,
.fields = &[0]std.builtin.Type.StructField{},
.decls = &[0]std.builtin.Type.Declaration{},
.is_tuple = false,
return struct {
const Self = @This();
/// PostgreSQL implementation of the query result reader instance.
pub const Instance = struct {
/// Main object mapper.
mainMapper: pg.Mapper(TableShape) = undefined,
mainMapper: PgMapper(TableShape) = undefined,
relationsMappers: RelationsMappersType = undefined,
fn next(opaqueSelf: *anyopaque) !?TableShape { //TODO inline relations.
fn next(opaqueSelf: *anyopaque) !?_result.TableWithRelations(TableShape, inlineRelations) {
const self: *Instance = @ptrCast(@alignCast(opaqueSelf));
return try self.mainMapper.next();
// Try to get the next row.
var row: pg.Row = try self.mainMapper.result.next() orelse return null;
// Get main table result.
const mainTable = try self.mainMapper.next(&row) orelse return null;
// Initialize the result.
var result: _result.TableWithRelations(TableShape, inlineRelations) = undefined;
// Copy each basic table field.
inline for (std.meta.fields(TableShape)) |field| {
@field(result, field.name) = @field(mainTable, field.name);
if (inlineRelations) |_inlineRelations| {
// For each relation, retrieve its value and put it in the result.
inline for (_inlineRelations) |relation| {
//TODO detect null relation.
@field(result, relation.field) = try @field(self.relationsMappers, relation.field).next(&row);
return result; // Return built result.
/// Get the generic reader instance instance.
pub fn instance(self: *Instance, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) InstanceInterface {
return .{
.__interface = .{
@ -115,9 +266,22 @@ pub fn QueryResultReader(comptime TableShape: type, comptime inlineRelations: ?[
fn initInstance(opaqueSelf: *anyopaque, allocator: std.mem.Allocator) !InstanceInterface {
const self: *Self = @ptrCast(@alignCast(opaqueSelf));
self.instance.mainMapper = try makeMapper(TableShape, self.result, allocator, null);
if (inlineRelations) |_inlineRelations| {
// Initialize mapper for each relation.
inline for (_inlineRelations) |relation| {
// Get relation field type (TableShape of the related value).
comptime var relationImpl = relation.relation{};
const relationInstanceType = @TypeOf(relationImpl.relation());
@field(self.instance.relationsMappers, relation.field) =
try makeMapper(relationInstanceType.TableShape, self.result, allocator, "relations." ++ relation.field ++ ".");
return self.instance.instance(allocator);
/// Get the generic reader instance.
pub fn reader(self: *Self) _result.QueryResultReader(TableShape, inlineRelations) {
return .{
._interface = .{
@ -43,8 +43,8 @@ pub fn RepositoryQuery(comptime Model: type, comptime TableShape: type, comptime
for (_with) |relation| {
// For each relation, determine if it's inline or not.
var tt = relation.relation{};
const relationInstance = tt.relation();
var relationImpl = relation.relation{};
const relationInstance = relationImpl.relation();
if (relationInstance.inlineMapping()) {
// Add the current relation to inline relations.
inlineRelations = @ptrCast(@constCast(_comptime.append(inlineRelations, relation)));
@ -67,6 +67,10 @@ pub fn typedMany(
return struct {
const Self = @This();
fn getRepositoryConfiguration(_: *anyopaque) repository.RepositoryConfiguration(ToModel, ToTable) {
return toRepositoryConfig;
fn inlineMapping(_: *anyopaque) bool {
return false;
@ -109,11 +113,12 @@ pub fn typedMany(
pub fn relation(self: *Self) Relation {
pub fn relation(self: *Self) Relation(ToModel, ToTable) {
return .{
._interface = .{
.instance = self,
.getRepositoryConfiguration = getRepositoryConfiguration,
.inlineMapping = inlineMapping,
.genJoin = genJoin,
.genSelect = genSelect,
@ -199,6 +204,10 @@ fn typedOne(
return struct {
const Self = @This();
fn getRepositoryConfiguration(_: *anyopaque) repository.RepositoryConfiguration(ToModel, ToTable) {
return toRepositoryConfig;
fn inlineMapping(_: *anyopaque) bool {
return true;
@ -267,11 +276,12 @@ fn typedOne(
pub fn relation(self: *Self) Relation {
pub fn relation(self: *Self) Relation(ToModel, ToTable) {
return .{
._interface = .{
.instance = self,
.getRepositoryConfiguration = getRepositoryConfiguration,
.inlineMapping = inlineMapping,
.genJoin = genJoin,
.genSelect = genSelect,
@ -282,42 +292,52 @@ fn typedOne(
/// Generic model relation interface.
pub const Relation = struct {
const Self = @This();
pub fn Relation(comptime ToModel: type, comptime ToTable: type) type {
return struct {
const Self = @This();
_interface: struct {
instance: *anyopaque,
pub const Model = ToModel;
pub const TableShape = ToTable;
inlineMapping: *const fn (self: *anyopaque) bool,
genJoin: *const fn (self: *anyopaque, comptime alias: []const u8) []const u8,
genSelect: *const fn (self: *anyopaque, comptime table: []const u8, comptime prefix: []const u8) []const u8,
buildQuery: *const fn (self: *anyopaque, models: []const anyopaque, query: *anyopaque) anyerror!void,
_interface: struct {
instance: *anyopaque,
/// Relation mapping is done inline: this means that it's done at the same time the model is mapped,
/// and that the associated data will be retrieved in the main query.
pub fn inlineMapping(self: Self) bool {
return self._interface.inlineMapping(self._interface.instance);
getRepositoryConfiguration: *const fn (self: *anyopaque) repository.RepositoryConfiguration(ToModel, ToTable),
inlineMapping: *const fn (self: *anyopaque) bool,
genJoin: *const fn (self: *anyopaque, comptime alias: []const u8) []const u8,
genSelect: *const fn (self: *anyopaque, comptime table: []const u8, comptime prefix: []const u8) []const u8,
buildQuery: *const fn (self: *anyopaque, models: []const anyopaque, query: *anyopaque) anyerror!void,
/// In case of inline mapping, generate a JOIN clause to retrieve the associated data.
pub fn genJoin(self: Self, comptime alias: []const u8) []const u8 {
return self._interface.genJoin(self._interface.instance, alias);
/// Read the related model repository configuration.
pub fn getRepositoryConfiguration(self: Self) repository.RepositoryConfiguration(ToModel, ToTable) {
return self._interface.getRepositoryConfiguration(self._interface.instance);
/// Generate a SELECT clause to retrieve the associated data, with the given table and prefix.
pub fn genSelect(self: Self, comptime table: []const u8, comptime prefix: []const u8) []const u8 {
return self._interface.genSelect(self._interface.instance, table, prefix);
/// Relation mapping is done inline: this means that it's done at the same time the model is mapped,
/// and that the associated data will be retrieved in the main query.
pub fn inlineMapping(self: Self) bool {
return self._interface.inlineMapping(self._interface.instance);
/// Build the query to retrieve relation data.
/// Is always used when inline mapping is not possible, but also when loading relations lazily.
pub fn buildQuery(self: Self, models: []const anyopaque, query: *anyopaque) !void {
return self._interface.buildQuery(self._interface.instance, models, query);
/// In case of inline mapping, generate a JOIN clause to retrieve the associated data.
pub fn genJoin(self: Self, comptime alias: []const u8) []const u8 {
return self._interface.genJoin(self._interface.instance, alias);
/// Generate a SELECT clause to retrieve the associated data, with the given table and prefix.
pub fn genSelect(self: Self, comptime table: []const u8, comptime prefix: []const u8) []const u8 {
return self._interface.genSelect(self._interface.instance, table, prefix);
/// Build the query to retrieve relation data.
/// Is always used when inline mapping is not possible, but also when loading relations lazily.
pub fn buildQuery(self: Self, models: []const anyopaque, query: *anyopaque) !void {
return self._interface.buildQuery(self._interface.instance, models, query);
/// A model relation object.
@ -3,9 +3,73 @@ const zollections = @import("zollections");
const _repository = @import("repository.zig");
const _relations = @import("relations.zig");
/// Type of a retrieved table data, with its retrieved relations.
pub fn TableWithRelations(comptime TableShape: type, comptime optionalRelations: ?[]const _relations.ModelRelation) type {
if (optionalRelations) |relations| {
const tableType = @typeInfo(TableShape);
// Build fields list: copy the existing table type fields and add those for relations.
var fields: [tableType.Struct.fields.len + relations.len]std.builtin.Type.StructField = undefined;
// Copy base table fields.
@memcpy(fields[0..tableType.Struct.fields.len], tableType.Struct.fields);
// For each relation, create a new struct field in the table shape.
for (relations, fields[tableType.Struct.fields.len..]) |relation, *field| {
// Get relation field type (optional TableShape of the related value).
comptime var relationImpl = relation.relation{};
const relationInstanceType = @TypeOf(relationImpl.relation());
const relationFieldType = @Type(std.builtin.Type{
.Optional = .{
.child = relationInstanceType.TableShape
// Create the new field from relation data.
field.* = std.builtin.Type.StructField{
.name = relation.field ++ [0:0]u8{},
.type = relationFieldType,
.default_value = null,
.is_comptime = false,
.alignment = @alignOf(relationFieldType),
// Build the new type.
return @Type(std.builtin.Type{
.Struct = .{
.layout = tableType.Struct.layout,
.fields = &fields,
.decls = tableType.Struct.decls,
.is_tuple = tableType.Struct.is_tuple,
.backing_integer = tableType.Struct.backing_integer,
} else {
return TableShape;
/// Convert a value of the fully retrieved type to the TableShape type.
pub fn toTableShape(comptime TableShape: type, comptime optionalRelations: ?[]const _relations.ModelRelation, value: TableWithRelations(TableShape, optionalRelations)) TableShape {
if (optionalRelations) |_| {
// Make a structure of TableShape type.
var tableValue: TableShape = undefined;
// Copy all fields of the table shape in the new structure.
inline for (std.meta.fields(TableShape)) |field| {
@field(tableValue, field.name) = @field(value, field.name);
// Return the simplified structure.
return tableValue;
} else {
// No relations, it should already be of type TableShape.
return value;
/// Generic interface of a query result reader.
pub fn QueryResultReader(comptime TableShape: type, comptime inlineRelations: ?[]const _relations.ModelRelation) type {
_ = inlineRelations;
return struct {
const Self = @This();
@ -13,12 +77,12 @@ pub fn QueryResultReader(comptime TableShape: type, comptime inlineRelations: ?[
pub const Instance = struct {
__interface: struct {
instance: *anyopaque,
next: *const fn (self: *anyopaque) anyerror!?TableShape, //TODO inline relations.
next: *const fn (self: *anyopaque) anyerror!?TableWithRelations(TableShape, inlineRelations),
allocator: std.mem.Allocator,
pub fn next(self: Instance) !?TableShape {
pub fn next(self: Instance) !?TableWithRelations(TableShape, inlineRelations) {
return self.__interface.next(self.__interface.instance);
@ -55,8 +119,23 @@ pub fn ResultMapper(comptime Model: type, comptime TableShape: type, comptime re
while (try reader.next()) |rawModel| {
// Parse each raw model from the reader.
const model = try allocator.create(Model);
model.* = try repositoryConfig.fromSql(rawModel);
//TODO inline relations.
model.* = try repositoryConfig.fromSql(toTableShape(TableShape, inlineRelations, rawModel));
// Map inline relations.
if (inlineRelations) |_inlineRelations| {
// If there are loaded inline relations, map them to the result.
inline for (_inlineRelations) |relation| {
comptime var relationImpl = relation.relation{};
const relationInstance = relationImpl.relation();
// Set the read inline relation value.
@field(model.*, relation.field) = (
if (@field(rawModel, relation.field)) |relationVal|
try relationInstance.getRepositoryConfiguration().fromSql(relationVal)
else null
try models.append(model);
Add table
Reference in a new issue