zlugify is part of [_zedd_](https://code.zeptotech.net/zedd), a collection of useful libraries for zig.
## zlugify
_zlugify_ is a library to generate slugs from all types of UTF-8 encoded strings. It uses [anyascii.zig](https://code.zeptotech.net/zedd/anyascii.zig) to convert UTF-8 encoded strings into ASCII-only strings.
These examples are highly inspired from the test cases that you can find at the end of [`lib.zig`](https://code.zeptotech.net/zedd/zlugify/src/branch/main/src/lib.zig).
#### trim and normalize
const slugify = @import("zlugify").slugify;
const slug = try slugify(allocator, " This is a test.\t\n");